Profinox > Products > HORECA > Metal Racks

Metal Racks– Stainless Steel Racks

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Product information

Do you need a solid, sturdy, premium quality metal rack? Profinox is one of the most appreciated manufacturers of metal racks in Romania. Regardless of the destination, here in Romania, we manufacture free standing and wall-mounted stainless steel racks that currently hold a wide range of products in various countries in Europe!

Besides these industrial metal racks, Profinox offers other products specific to the HoReCa industry or intended for other business sectors: stainless steel tables, stainless steel washing units, stainless steel cabinets, stainless steel carts or stainless steel wastebins. All our products are appreciated by our customers thanks to their superior quality.

A metal rack made to order by our company is a viable solution when you want a long-term investment. Using only quality certified materials, with the guarantee of professional welding, we make stainless steel racks that can be manufactured according to the smallest details you wish us to take into account. With a deviation of only +/-1 mm, we manufacture stainless steel racks in the shortest possible time so you can enjoy your desired product as quickly as possible.

Are you looking for a top-quality stainless steel rack? Request a quote now and our specialists will contact you as soon as possible! 

We offer sturdy and durable metal racks, suitable for the efficient and safe storage of desired items, whether you have a professional kitchen or any other type of space. By choosing stainless steel racks made by Profinox, you enjoy a number of benefits: 

  • We manufacture metal racks according to the clients’ requirements, taking into account the dimensions and the space required;
  • We use high-quality materials, w1.4301 or w1.4404 stainless steel;
  • Increased resistance to corrosion;
  • High-quality professional welding to join materials, not just spot welding;
  • With proper maintenance, a metal rack made by Profinox will have a long service life, our products retaining their quality over the years;
  • Increased resistance to temperature variations;
  • Easy to clean and with antiseptic properties;
  • Warranty: 5 years. 

When creating a stainless steel rack tailored to your needs, we offer a number of options: 

  • Stainless steel shelves
  • Polyamide / Teflon shelves
  • Adjustable feet
  • Fixed, swivel or braking wheels
  • Handle for manoeuvring
  • The possibility to choose the thickness of the material
  • Surface: matt, vibration, satin or sandblasted.

Garantia unui raft metalic produs de Profinox este de 5 ani de la data achizitiei.

Profinox este o companie de producție care utilizează cu exclusivitate doar oțeluri inoxidabile.

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